Tehran Disaster Risk Mitigation and Emergency Management Organization visits IPCU

Tehran Disaster Risk Mitigation and Emergency Management Organization (TDMMO), the authority in the field of disaster mitigation in Tehran, capital of Iran, made an important visit to IPCU between January 11 and 15, 2016. Following the preliminary meetings in “International Exhibition and Conference of Security, Safety Disaster Management in Natural Disasters” organized on 30 December …

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New Ümraniye Gynaecology and Paediatrics Hospital at European Standards Opens

Under the school and hospital reconstructions and retrofits against impacts of earthquake carried out by Istanbul Project Coordination Unit under ISMEP Project, Ümraniye gains a new environmentally friendly Gynaecology and Paediatrics Hospital designed to meet European Standards. Realizing important provincewide projects under Istanbul Governorship for retrofitting and reconstruction of public buildings against natural disasters, in …

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